Vacation Bible School



Wilderness Escape! 

Where God guides and provides!

Welcome to VBS 2021-Wilderness Escape, where you’ll join Moses as he and the Israelites escape Egypt and travel to parts unknown-trusting God all the while. During this week, all adults and kiddos will be asked to, first, use their imaginations. Think about what it was like to leave Egypt in such a miraculous way and then travel in the desert wilderness. What was it like to witness the water of an enormous sea split in half and create a sidewalk for you to walk across to the dry land on the other side? What was it like to have God supplying food that tasted of honey and sweet water that came from a rock? To participate in a battle that resulted in a wondrous win against a formidable foe? This week will be a celebration of how God led his people out of Egypt! And the rules for life written by God himself! All tribe members will also meet Malachi (one of the whining and complaining Israelites), participate in some exciting games, shop in an Israelite Camp, and sample some delicious snacks. Mark your calendars for June 7th through 11th beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Come and experience all of the fun and learn what it truly means to Trust God!!!

To sign up for Vacation Bible School 2021 Click Here!!!